Empowering our clients to move from ideas to action
Change Management & Program Implementation
CMR Consulting tackles complex problems with you, preparing you to take advantage of growth opportunities and work efficiently through periods of organizational change. Whether you’re looking for a proposal director on an upcoming bid or a strategic partner in the implementation of a new program, we are here to help.
Examples of past and current work:
Project manager for the implementation of clinical operations in a new Medicaid Managed Care plan.
Program lead for FEHB carrier working to implement the new Postal Service Health Benefits Program.
Project manager for the development of corporate provider services support within an Accountable Care Organization.
Policy Insights
Health care policy is a dynamic field. CMR Consulting has deep expertise in the Federal regulatory process and legislative analysis. We can help your business in interpreting policy, forecasting shifts in Federal healthcare policy, and developing strategies for adapting effectively to policy change. We have a unique mix of policy and operational experience, allowing us to clearly see how policy implementation will affect businesses and healthcare consumers.
Examples of past and current work:
Track progress of the Postal Reform Act and provide detailed analysis to FEHB carriers interested in expansion opportunities in the Postal Service Health Benefits Program.
Monitor Federal regulatory changes, develop advocacy materials, and assist in the development of public comment letters.
Capture a national understanding of Medicare Advantage operations and Employer Group Waiver Plan incorporation.
Interpret Federal legislative and regulatory requirements to position small businesses in a competitive advantage for contractual bids.
Government Affairs
Health plans servicing federal, state, or local governments will find a trusted partner in CMR Consulting. We empower our clients to build strong government relationships, interpret the often confusing language of bureaucracy, influence the regulatory landscape, and react quickly to a shifting policy environment.
Examples of past and current work:
Support a health insurance plan seeking to expand their influence in the Federal regulatory process and incorporate government affairs into their business model.
Develop a white paper on opportunities for improving the FEHB shopping experience to influence Federal strategy.
Craft messaging to Federal agencies to ensure maximum impact and highlight government priorities.
Business Development
With expertise in project management and program design, CMR Consulting will help you grow smarter and more efficiently. You can rely on our skillset to help you nurture strategic relationships, win grants or government contracts, and join new markets.
Examples of past and current work:
Serve as proposal director for a Medicaid Managed Care bid, leading a team of 12 writers to successfully capture new business for a growing Medicaid plan.
Consult on development of multiple RFP responses for Federal healthcare, technology, and customer service contracts.